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Visit of the Election Commission of the city of Gwangju, South Korea, at the HSF Munich

In the course of an information gathering tour in Germany with the topic “Election System and Political Education in Germany” eight members of the Election Commission of the city of Gwangju visited on Monday, September 18th the Hanns Seidel Foundation in Munich. Dr. Birgit Stoll, deputy manager of the Institute for Political Education of the HSF, welcomed the delegation and explained the educational task of the HSF against the background of the German history.

Delegations of South Korea meet the Hanns Seidel Foundation Munich

The importance of the educational task of democratization becomes also clear when looking at financial support that the Bund gives to political foundations of the parliamentary parties provides according to the constitution. It is important that each foundation represents the ideal values of the matching party, however remains financially and in personnel independent from the parties.

There are training events for both citizens and political decision-makers like local politicians that can train in certain subject areas. Politicians of all parties can participate. For the delegation it was interesting how different opinions could be tolerated and that the parties are not allowed to do campaign advertising about the foundations. Both the financial separation and the rule that prohibits party politicians to become speakers of the HSF within three months before elections enable this.

Other topics discussed regarding the Bundestagswahl (parliamentary elections) 2017 were the electoral system in Germany, campaigning and the security that each person entitled to vote can do so freely and independently (for example postal vote, the job of the electoral helper, access to the polling station.