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North Korean Review Autumn 2018 (Volume 14, No. 2) and Spring 2019 (Volume 15, No. 1)

Two new issues of the Journal "North Korean Review" (NKR), the first academic journal in North America or Europe to focus exclusively on North Korea, have been published.

NKR is published twice a year in spring and fall. The purpose of NKR is to provide readers with an improved understanding of the country’s complexities and the threat it presents to global stability. Topics include culture, history, economics, business, religion, politics and international relations, among others.

The Fall 2018 Issue (Volume 14, No.2) focuses on:

- The Concerns and Potential of North Korean Defector Students’ Education: Teachers’ Perceptions at “A Alternative School”

- Urbanization in North Korea: An Outline of Its Peculiarities and an Estimation of Its Real Rate

- Changes in the North Korean Welfare System: A Comparison of the Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Un Eras

- Cold War Stasis: Past and Continuing Problems in the Normalization of Japan-North Korea Relations

- Singapore as Aspiration: Making Further Use of the City-State to Engage North Korea

- The Singapore Summit Joint Statement: An Incremental Movement Toward Pearce on the Korean Peninsula

The Fall 2019 Issue (Volume 15, No.1) focuses on:

- From Balancing to Bandwagoning: Evaluating the Impact of the Sanction Regime on North Korea-Africa Relationships

- Source Triangulation as an Instrument of Research on North Korea

- The FIFA World Cup, International Friendship and the “Mystery Men of the East”: When Middlesbrough Fell in Love with North Korea

- Determinants of Aid Modalities: A Case of South Korea on Triangular Cooperation and Its Implication Toward North Korea

- Examining Attitude Functions of North Korean Cultural Propaganda

- North Korea’s “Endgame”: Peaceful Two-State Solution or Coercive Unification?