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Ganghwa Peace Observatory

This week and last week the Hanns Seidel Foundation supported two excursions of South Korean Middle Schools.

Both excursions were organized by the Institute for Peace Affairs Korea and the respective schools, which in this case were the Mokdong Middle-School and the Korea University Middle-School. The excursion of the Korea University Middle-School was not only financially sponsored by the HSF Korea, but we also participated in person.

The students were part of their schools Unification Club and were therefore very interested in the topic. The topic of the Field Trip was " Ground Building for a Peaceful Reunification through Communication". Furthermore it was sponsored by both the HSF and the Ministry of Public Administration and Security.

Originally the Field Trips destination was the DMZ, but it was changed to the Ganghwa Peace Observatory. Aside from a teacher and the HSF Korea Donghun Lee of the IPA and Youngdong Lee of the Korea Council for Reconciliation and Cooperation also joined the excursion. During the ride to the observatory the students were taught important information on North Korea and Reunification. Among that they were also taught about significant Reunifications in history, in that sense namely Vietnam and Germany, and how they differentiate each other from another.

Arriving at the Ganghwa Peace Observatory, the students could see North Korea at close range.The two states are separated from each other at the observatory only by the Han River. You could even see Gaepung County in the distance. After a guide through the Observatory the students were free to take look at the nearby Reunification and North Korea Museum or use the binoculars to really take a close look at their northern neighbor.

After leaving the Obsevatory the group headed to eat lunch and then continued towards Gwangseongbo fortress. 


Although the place has little to do with Reunification it is an important historical landmark as it was the main battleground for the battles during the American Invasion 1871. During the conflict over 200 Korean Soldiers were killed by the Americans. As a tribute to the 60 Joseon soldiers and the general Eo Jae-yeon who were killed at the ground of the Gwangseongbo Fortress everyone paid their respect for a minute before continuing the tour. After being guided and educated about the Fortress and the American Invasion everyone headed back to Seoul.

Although we were not able to go to the DMZ as planned orignially the trip was both informative and interesting for the students. The HSF Korea puts a lot of value in giving students opportunities like this one, so everyone can learn more about North Korea and Reunification.