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German Political Foundations

On November the 27th. 2019, the Hanns Seidel Foundation Korea will co-host the 2019 German Political Foundations Workshop alongside the Konrad Adenauer Foundation Korea and the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom.

The workshop will mostly circle around the topic of Korean reconciliation and cooperation. The three foundations will make an effort to use their experience with the German reunification to understand the Korean situation better and to help as much as possible.

The three representatives of the foundations will present their foundations work on the Korean Peninsula, while a group of invited experts will further voice their opinion. Among those experts are also Dr. Hoh-Suh, the vice-minister for reunification and Mr. Stephan Auer, the German Ambassador to Korea. 

The workshop will take place on the 27th of November 2019 from 2PM till 4:30PM at the Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry Conference Hall 3. Korean and English translations will be provided.