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Thoughts on an Ecosystem Restoration in Dehradun, India

On 8 October 2018, ESP Asia Office and Wildlife Institute of India organized the training for the Valuing and Capturing the Benefits of Ecosystem Restoration in Dehradun, India as a part of 2018 ESP Asia Conference.



On 8 October 2018, ESP Asia Office and Wildlife Institute of India organized the training for the Valuing and Capturing the Benefits of Ecosystem Restoration in Dehradun, India as a part of 2018 ESP Asia Conference. DPRK delegation attended this training to update the Ecosystem Services (ES) assessment including valuation assessment under the various ES categorize. Prof (Ru) Dolf de Groot, Chairperson of ESP gave the lecture to understand of ES concept and approaches for the capturing the benefits of ecosystem restoration with examples from Spain. Hanns Seidel Foundation Korea supported the DPRK delegation’s participation for this training. Prof de Groot explained the guidelines to value and capture the ES benefits. After the lecture the percipients had Group Exercise for the valuing the ES benefits and capturing the value. The participants had 2 exercises to calculate and approach the momentary value of ES. The DPRK delegation joined the Cultural Services Group. The participants had passionate discussion and encourage informed to share the knowledge.