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New Issue

The latest issue of the magazine “The Unified Korea”, which deals with topics concerning Korean unification, has been published by the Institute for Peace Affairs, a long-standing partner of the Hanns Seidel Foundation in Korea.

This issue (January 2018) of the magazine features, among others, the following topics:

Plan: Seeing North Korea on the spot, the life of North Korean citizens under sanctions?

Zoom In: Various diplomatic efforts for a new Southern Policy

Interview: "On the keyboard, the preparation for unification is already finished."


You can order the latest issue here:

The Unified Korea (통일 한국)

Address: 5F, 373, Eungam-ro, Eunpyeong-gu, Seoul, Korea (zip code:122-834)

Tel: 02-358-0612~5Fax: 02-384-1924


Email: ipa21(at)