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New publication released
The Ramsar Convention

Due to a continuing coopertation between the Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF) Korea and the Ministry of Land and Environment Protection (MoLEP) for almost 15 years, the official representative of the HSF Korea, Dr. Bernhard Seliger, thankfully received an English-Korean print from MoLEP.

The cover page of the translated version published by MoLEP.

The HSF Korea had already congregated with the MoLEP in Kosong, North Korea, in September of 2016. A seminar about the very issue of the protection of wetlands and natural habitats was held at the venue. Participants from the MoLEP, as well as local and national tourism managers, attended the event.

The following entry covers the Ramsar Convention, an international treaty for the conservation and sustainable use of wetlands, also known as the Convention on Wetlands. This convention includes the protection of wetlands used as waterfowl habitat. In 1971, 169 states convened in Ramsar, Iran to agree on and ratify the international treaty alongside.

The text was translated and published with support from the Hanns Seidel Foundation Korea.

 The full version can be downloaded here.