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Activity as members of CMS Flyway Working Group

The representative of the Korea Office Dr Bernhard Seliger, Senior Researcher Hyun-Ah Choi and Coordinator Minjae Baek are members of the CMS Flyways Working Group and presented the results of the Inter-Flyways Workshop and an overview of environmental cooperation possibilities with North Korea at the working group meeting on 9 April 2024.

The Hanns Seidel Foundation is a partner of the East-Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership and therefore hosted and supported the Inter-Flyways Workshop in February 2024, in the run-up to CMS COP14. The Workshop brought together experts and participants to share experiences and gather ideas. They discussed approaches, structures, mechanisms and experiences for the protection of migratory bird routes as well as options for the successful establishment of the Central Asia Flyway Initiative. The meetings of the resulting Flyways Working Group provide an important platform for sharing practices and identifying global synergies and gaps between the various flyway initiatives developed either within or outside the CMS.

The aim of the Flyway Working Group meeting in April was to review the outcomes of CMS COP14, review the decisions and identify the next steps and priorities until CMS COP15. Coordinator Minaje Baek gave an overview of the report of the Inter-Flyways Workshop and its recommendations. The workshop highlighted the approaches, structures, mechanisms and experiences of a generation of flyway frameworks and should serve to promote regular, comprehensive exchange, communication and knowledge sharing between flyway initiatives in the future.

Overall, the Flyway Working Group Meeting was a success for the participants and the Hanns Seidel Foundation Korea in terms of further improving the protection of migratory bird routes until CMS COP15.

Inter-Flyways Workshop Report 2024: 

Third meeting of the Flyways Working Group (online):

CMS Working Group on Flyways: