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Suncheonman Bay Hooded Cranes Day

February 28th is the Hooded Cranes Day designated by Suncheon City in South Korea and Hanns Seidel Foundation Korea supported the event as a sponsor. To celebrate this day, HSF Korea delivered a congratulatory message at the Hooded Cranes Day event.

Hooded Crane (Grus monachal) is a small, somber-colored crane mainly wintering in western Korea, Southern Japan, and eastern China. It is listed as Vulnerable based on Red List Category and only 6,000 to 15,000 population remain. Suncheonman Bay, famous for its reed fields, is an important wintering site for hooded cranes as more than 1% of the entire species visit this wetland. The Republic of Korea classified the hooded crane as a “natural monument number 228” to protect its rarity and beauty.


This year, Suncheon City, an old and good partner of Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF) Korea, celebrates a hooded crane day by hosting several events from February 26th to March 1st. Dr. Bernhard Seliger, the representative of HSF Korea, and the team HSF Korea delivered a hopeful message to celebrate this event and the successful protection of Hooded Crane. HSF Korea attempts to contribute to the peaceful development of the region through activities that aim for international integration and cooperation in matters concerning the environment. Aside from offering a diverse range of activities and monthly birdwatching activities, HSF Korea partnered with the East Asian-Australian Flyway Partnership (EAAFP) and Ramsar Regional Center-East Asia (RRC-EA) to enhance cooperation along that Flyway of Migratory Birds and implement projects on the conservation of wetlands, birds, and biodiversity in South and North Korea.