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Ongoing and Future Cooperation with Partners in Songdo

Over the past several years, the Hanns Seidel Foundation Korea (HSF Korea) has promoted mutual support of liked-minded partners within South Korea and abroad. On 26th of July 2019, HSF Korea took the opportunity to meet with its various partners in Songdo International Business District that hosts various international organizations in the field of the environment, to discuss upcoming projects and plans to come.

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[Translate to English:]

Das Ziel des Besuches war es, Partner der Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung auf den neusten Stand in Bezug auf Projekte zu bringen und potenzielle politische Kooperation zu besprechen. Bei den Partnern, die in Songdo besucht wurden handelt es sich unter anderem um die George Mason Universität Songdo Campus sowie Experten der Wirtschafts- und Sozialkommission für Asien und den Pazifik der Vereinten Nationen, des Green Climate Fonds und der East Asian Austalasian Flyway Partnership.

[Translate to English:] Ein Einblick in unsere Arbeit: Besuch der George Mason Universität Songdo Campus

[Translate to English:]

Felix Glenk, als Vertreter der HSS Korea, gab einen einleitenden Überblick über die Arbeit der HSS als politische Stiftung. Wobei er Projekte im Forst, der Konservierung von Feuchtbiotopen und Biodiversität in Nord Korea hervorhob.
Professor Ahn Chang-woo, konzentriert auf Umwelt -Wissenschaften und -taktik, zeigte besonderes Interesse an den Quellen des nordkoreanischen Wissens im Bereich des Naturschutzes.

[Translate to English:] Lunch Meeting

Briefing and Funding Opportunities at Green Climate Fund

Ms. Solongo Khurelbaatar, representing Green Climate Fund (GCF), noted the need to arrange a meeting with the current GCF deputy to have an update on the current situation of HSF Korea’s work in the DPRK. Understanding HSF Korea’s current projects would prevent any repeat or miscommunication between both organisation’s projects. In addition, HSF Korea looked to explore potential funding opportunities with GCF. While HSF Korea has been able to engage closely with the DPRK on ecological projects, additional funding would positively go towards further supporting the DPRK. As an assigned Delivery Partner of GCF, HSF Korea can work with the support of the funding from them.

[Translate to English:] Teilnehmer des Treffens mit UNESCAP

The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

During the meeting with UNESCAP discussions over current and future policy collaboration were held. Both parties exchanged and discussed positive insights into existing projects and foreseeable challenges that may arise during the process. HSF Korea and UNESCAP have cooperated since 2014 when the first international bird survey and workshop on biodiversity were held in Rason Special Economic Zone in North Korea.


[Translate to English:] Teilnehmer des Treffens

Meeting with the East Asian Australasian Flyway Partnership

HSF Korea is one of the partners of EAAFP. In 2018, North Korea also joined the partnership and alongside other EAAFP nations and environment organizations, they work together on transboundary nature conservation. Discussions focused on the status and potential cooperation within the Yellow Sea area and how to better promote nature and biodiversity conservation in Northeast Asia.