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New Issue of the Journal of Economic Integration (Vol. 32, No. 2, June 2017)

A new issue of The Journal of Economic Integration has been published. The journal, now in its 32th year of appearance, aims to offer relevant policy implications on the ongoing process of globalization under the premise that economic integration is multi-dimensional, covering every field in economics.

New Issue of the Journal of Economic Integration (Vol. 32, No. 2, June 2017)

The current issue (Vol. 32, No.2) features articles on issues, amongst others, regarding European external Imbalances (by Carrasco, C. A.; Hernandez-del-Valle, A.) and intranational trade as channels of spillvoers in developing countries (by He, Y.) and more.

The journal is published by the Center for Economic Integration of Sejong University in Seoul. Dr Bernhard Seliger of Hanns Seidel Foundation Korea is a member of the Board of Editors.