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New Interns

The Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF) is pleased to welcome new research interns again this spring!

University graduates with qualifications and interests corresponding to the focus areas of the HSF have the opportunity to undertake a research internship. During their internship, they can participate in various activities, including attending specialist events with experts, conducting intensive research, assisting with daily organizational tasks, and establishing valuable contacts.

The HSF has welcomed three new interns.

This includes Aurelia Schlosser. Since mid-February, she has been supporting HSF as a research intern. She is majoring in Korean Studies and minoring in Criminal Law at the University of Tübingen. She is particularly interested in politics, feminism, and legal studies in East Asia. Therefore, she studied Law and International Studies at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in Korea from 2021 to 2022. She will undertake another semester abroad at Korea University from 2025 to 2026. She hopes to work professionally in Korea someday.


In early March, the HSF also welcomed Anneke Werthen. She completed her bachelor’s degree in European Studies at the University of Southern Denmark with a semester abroad at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in Seoul. She is now doing internships for a year before continuing her studies in Asian Studies. She is very interested in East Asia and environmental diplomacy, so she applied for an internship at the HSF.


Dominic Mauersberger has been an intern at the Hanns Seidel Foundation Korea since January 22, 2024. He studied Political Science, Media Studies, and Comparative Cultural Studies at the University of Regensburg until October 2023. His focus areas were Western government systems and international politics. At the Hanns Seidel Foundation Korea, he had the opportunity to participate in various international conferences. He found the visit to the TOPIS transport system jointly with the BAKS particularly interesting.


During the internship, the three interns handle the foundation's everyday tasks, including writing articles and social media posts, accompanying conferences, and handling organizational matters.

An internship at the Hanns Seidel Foundation not only provides comprehensive insights into inter-Korean relations, environmental protection, and issues related to Korean reunification but also supports interns in their career orientation and creates a connection to their future career path. HSF Korea eagerly welcomes future applications!