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New Issue of the Journal of Economic Integration (Vol.39, No. 1)

Since 1987 „The Journal of Economic Integration" advancement has been achieved through emphasizing research within the realm of economics and integration, while also highlighting the policy implications stemming from the continuous development of globalization. Economic integration is multidimensional and encompasses different areas of economics. Articles published in the journal help the reader gain a deeper knowledge of resolving common problems, financial crises, poverty, income inequality, and much more.

The new issue of the Journal of Economic Integration includes nine articles about general economic integration on a global basis. Dr. Bernhard Seliger, the representative of the Hanns Seidel Foundation Korea, is a board member of the journal.

In the current issue, the following topics are discussed: The Impact of Economic Integration on Income Inequality in the EU: A Panel Data Analysis of the EU Members from 2002 until 2020, Minimum Wage Hike and Multinational Enterprises´ Employment: Firm-Level Evidence from South Korea. Third, Monetary Integration Effects on Foreign Direct Investment in New EU Member States.


 It follows, How US Fiscal and Monetary Policy Affect the GDP and Countries with Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rates: Estimates using Korean Data from 1963 to 2022, The Effect of Financial Development, Tariff, and RTA on Exports: A Structural Gravity Analysis, and The Effects of Trade Participation on Labor Productivity, Wages and Female Employment: Evidence from Egyptian Manufacturing Firms.

Furthermore, Monetary Policy, Homeowner Balance Sheet Channel, and Integration: A Lesson from South Korea during the 2000s, Analysis of the Gap in Economic Informality between Africa and the Advanced and Emerging Countries, and Vietnam´s Long-run Growth: Connecting the Dots through Climate Damage Spillovers.


Volume 39, Issue 1 of the Journal of Economic Integration thus deals with many exciting topics, offering the reader a wide range of helpful insights.