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New Issue of the Journal of Economic Integration (Vol. 38, No. 4)

The new winter issue of the Journal of Economic Integration is out. Founded in 1986, this journal aims to offer relevant policy implications on the ongoing process of globalization. HSF representative Bernhard Seliger is a member of the journal's board of editors.

The first article of this journal discusses the relationship between trade and the likelihood of conflict. The conducted analysis shows a considerable decrease in the probability of conflict with increasing bilateral trade.

Study no. 2 examines the effects of international borders and trade agreements on subnational development in Argentina based on the Mercosur Agreement. 

The third article looks at the impact of technological progress in China on the integration of services into Europe's manufacturing industry, particularly in the area of advanced services.

This is followed by a study that examines the lasting effects of access to electricity, the consumption of modern renewable energy, and traditional renewable energy on human development. The study indicates a significant negative impact of the use of traditional renewables on human development.

Article no. 5 deals with the impact of financial integration on economic development.  In particular, the study points at a negative impact of financial integration on economic development in middle- and high-income countries.

The authors of the next article looked at the impact of exchange rate fluctuations on stock prices in the economies of India, Indonesia, Brazil, South Africa, and Türkiye.

The final article of this issue addresses the development of national debt in South Africa.

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