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New Issue
Journal of Economic Integration (Vol. 33 No.2)

A new issue of The Journal of Economic Integration has been published. The aims to offer relevant policy implications on the ongoing process of globalization under the premise that economic integration is multi-dimensional, covering every field in economics.



The current issue (Vol.33 No.2) contains the following:

- Are BRICS Markets Equally Exposed to Trump’s Agenda?

- Nonlinear Exchange Rates Pass-Through: Does Business Cycle Matter?

- Multiliteral Trade Liberalization and Economic Growth

- Exchange Rate Volatility and Economic Growth

- Nonlinear Effects of Intellectual Property Rights on Technological Innovation

- Gaining Global Clout Through Monetary Union: Evidence from East Africa

- Has the Euro Promoted Eurozone’s Growth?

The journal is published by the Center for Economic Integration of Sejong University in Seoul. Dr. Bernhard Seliger of Hanns Seidel Foundation Korea is a member of the Board of Editors.