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Hanns Seidel Foundation Korea on LinkedIn™

Since 1987 Hanns Seidel Foundation Korea has been active in North East Asia and engaged with people all around the globe. During the past three decades we have embraced changes in technology and communication and thus we are delighted to announce the launch of our very own LinkedIn™ page. From now on you will be able to receive the latest updates and information from our work and projects on LinkedIn™, in addition to our website and Facebook page.

LinkedIn - The world's largest professional network

LinkedIn Corporation

About LinkedIn™

As not everyone will be familiar with what LinkedIn™ is or does, here is a short summary: LinkedIn™ was officially launched in 2003 and now it is the world's largest professional network with more than 562 million users in more than 200 countries and territories worldwide. LinkedIn’s™ vision is to create economic opportunities for every member of the global workforce and its mission is to connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful.

Hanns Seidel Foundation as a global organization

Hanns Seidel Foundation as a global organization


Hanns Seidel Foundation and LinkedIn™

Hanns Seidel Foundation is active in about 60 countries world wide and so, our Seoul office is international by its very nature. Hence, LinkedIn™ will help us strengthen our network with our partners around the globe. We would also like to keep in touch with former employees and possibly attract talent. To stay up to date, please follow “Hanns Seidel Foundation Korea” on LinkedIn™: