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Working Group Meeting
Enhancing Cooperation in Northeast Asia to Conserve Wetlands

The Yellow/West Sea ecosystem of intertidal wetlands is one of the ecological wonders of the world. It represents the largest area of intertidal flats on the planet. In October 2015, the Hanns Seidel Foundation Korea supported a National Workshop on Wetland Conservation in Pyongyang, DPR Korea. Since then the country has become more and more integrated and engaged in the efforts to conserve the environment, and in particular wetlands in Northeast Asia.

Participants of the Working Group for the Conservation of the Yellow/West Sea Intertidal and Associated Coastal Wetlands


Working Group for the Conservation of the Yellow/West Sea Intertidal and Associated Coastal Wetlands

One of the target regions in which cooperation is improving rapidly is along the Yellow Sea (West Sea) and the neighboring countries, namely the People's Republic of China, the Republic of Korea and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Following previous events in Beijing (2016) and Yancheng (2017) a meeting of the recently created Working Group for the Conservation of the Yellow/West Sea Intertidal and Associated Coastal Wetlands brought together representatives of the three countries as well as of international organizations on 9 July 2018.

Raphael Glemet of IUCN, speaking at the meeting of the Working Group for the Conservation of the Yellow/West Sea Intertidal and Associated Coastal Wetlands


Aims, Tasks and Projects

The event targeted the development of the Terms of References (ToR) for the Working Group, to receive updates on the three participating countries and to discuss the development of a joint work plan. Thus, the first two sessions gave country representatives from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the Republic of Korea and the People's Republic of China the chance to update the audience on the YS/WS management, also in regard to the Ramsar Convention, EAAFP and the World Heritage Convention, as well as national developments. Furthermore, the previously formulated ToR was discussed and comments were received. The Working Group intends to facilitate international cooperation for improved conservation and sustainable use of the YS/WS wetlands. Roles and tasks of the group include to strengthen survey, monitoring, and research, as well as knowledge sharing, awareness raising and joint approaches for wetland conservation in Northeast Asia.

Discussing upcoming events and the future strategy of the Working Group


Future Strategy

In the third session a representative of the UNDP/GEF Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystem project gave insights into the work and activities of the project targeting marine ecosystem along the Yellow / West Sea. The last session then gave an overview of upcoming events and the future strategy of the Working Group. HSF Korea supports regional integration and international cooperation in Northeast Asia and is a partner of the East Asian - Australasian Flyway Partnership.