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30 Years of German Unification

Commemorating the 30th anniversary of the German Unification, from September 25th to December 31st, the DMZ Museum opens the “Peace Revolution to German Unification” exhibition, co-hosted by Hanns Seidel Foundation Korea.

The exhibition introduces to Germany’s historical experiences of unification with a history of division similar to that on the Korean Peninsula. It consists of 20 printouts, offered by the Hanns Seidel Foundation Korea, which explain key events of the revolutionary process that happened before the actual successful unification to German unification was achieved. These events include the collapse of the East German regime, economic and social integration between East and West Germany, and also external cooperation for unification.


In addition, on the second floor of Special Exhibition Hall, a re-enacted model of the border between East and West – which postulates a major monument of the Cold War – is exhibited under the theme of ‘Sympathie, The History of Division and Unification’, in order for visitors to experience historical events together with actual testimonies of that time. This exhibition is funded by the Federal Foundation for the Reappraisal of the SED Dictatorship and the Parliamentary State Secretary.

Unfortunately, in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the opening event will be omitted. However, until the DMZ museum opens (a date which has not been decided yet), all exhibition materials will be released online through the museum’s website (English and Korean) and blog (only Korean).