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2016 Seoul Mayors Forum on Climate Change

The Seoul Mayors Forum on Climate Change 2016 took place at Seoul City Hall with a focus on local climate commitments related to the Paris Agreement.

Mayor Park Won-Soon of Seoul

Mayor Park Won-Soon of Seoul opened the Forum with his welcoming remarks, speaking about the significance of local governments for sustainability. Sir David King held the keynote speech on the topic 'Why cities and local governments are important in tackling climate change, achieving sustainable development".


On the second day, the Forum brought together representatives from local governments and organizations, including the Major of Addis Ababa and the Deputy Majors of New Taipei City, Suwon City and Warsaw.


Hanns Seidel Foundation has been conducting projects in the field of environment in South and North Korea, including rural sustainable development and sustainable reforestation.


During the conference, a meeting with representatives from the East and North-East Asia Office of UN ESCAP (United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific), Mr. Max Gruenig (President of the Ecologic Institute) and Mr. Felix Glenk (Project Manager for North Korea, Hanns Seidel Foundation Korea) took place. UNESCAP and HSF cooperated in the past and further oppertunities for joint activities were discussed.