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The Unified Korea

The latest issue of the magazine “The Unified Korea”, which deals with topics concerning Korean unification, has been published by the Institute for Peace Affairs, a long-standing partner of the Hanns Seidel Foundation in Korea. In this Issue the HSS can be found in various articles.

Table of Contents


The issue (January 2019) contains the following topics:

Special Discussion: 

2019 weather chart of the Korean peninsula

Projects: In search of a change on the Korean peninsula and a new power

The path of reunification: Healthy forests and how to take care of them

The HSF is again represented in this issue, this time with an article by Dr. Seliger on the topic: The restoration of forests is an international topic - Let's collect our resources and work them out together. (click here to download the article in Korean) 

In addition you can find the article: "Coexistence and cooperation blooms from the wounded region" here in Korean