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Journal of Economic Integration (Vol. 37 No. 2) published

The Journal of Economic Integration is a leading international journal on the impact of politics and globalization on economic integration. The journal, now in its 37th year of publication, is based on the assumption that economic integration is multidimensional and covers all areas of economics. Its aim is to offer relevant strategic implications for the ongoing globalization process.

The current issue Vol. 37 No.1 features the following articles:

  • Economic Effects of Macao‘s Integration with Mainland China: A Causal Inference Study
  • Trade Integration and Intra-national Business Cycle Synchronization: Evidence from Mexico’s States from 1980 to 2019
  • Measuring Agricultural Trade Integration in Southeast Asia
  • Internet, Participation in International Trade, and Tax Revenue Instability
  • Natural Resource Dependence, Corruption, and Tax Revenue Mobilization
  • Effects of Competition Policy on Macroeconomic Outcomes

The journal is published by the Center for Economic Integration of Sejong University in Seoul. Dr. Bernhard Seliger, representative of Hanns Seidel Foundation Korea is a member of the editorial board.